Gillham, M. E., 1948, Notes on the Flora of Grassholm. 33-36
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Gillham, M. E., 1951, Some of the influences of salt spray on the vegetation of Skokholm, Skokholm Birds Observational Report, 1951.
Gillham, M. E., 1952, The distribution of seeds by gulls, Skokholm Birds Observational Report, 1952, 34-35.
Gillham, M. E., 1952, An ecological account of the vegetation of Skokholm and Grassholm Islands, south Pembrokeshire, Skokholm Birds Observational Report, 1952.
Gillham, M. E., 1953, Seabird manure. Some of its effects on the soil and plants in the bird colonies, Skokholm Birds Observational Report, 1953.
Gillham, M. E., 1953, An annotated list of the vascular plants of Skokholm Island, Pembrokeshire. North Western Naturalist, 539-57.
Gillham, M. E., 1953, An ecological account of the vegetation of Grassholm Island, Pembrokeshire, Journal of Ecology, 41, 1, 84-99.
Gillham, M. E., 1953, An annotated list of the flowering plants and ferns of Skokholm Island, Pembrokeshire, North Western Naturalist, 1 (new series), 539-557.
Gillham, M. E., 1954, The marine algae of Skokholm and Grassholm Islands, Pembrokeshire, North Western Naturalist, 25, 204-225.
Gillham, M. E., 1954, An annotated list of the bryophytes and lichens of Skokholm Island, Pembrokeshire, North Western Naturalist, 37-48.
Goodman, G. T.; Gillham, M. E., 1954, Ecology of the Pembrokeshire islands: II. Skokholm, environment and vegetation, Journal of Ecology, 42, 2, 296-327.
Gillham, M. E., 1955, Some possible consequences if rabbits should be exterminated by myxomatosis on Skokholm Island, Pembrokeshire, North Western Naturalist, 3, 30-34.
Gillham, M. E., 1955, Some effects of the larger animals on the flora of Lundy, Transactions of the Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science, Literature and Art, 87, 205-229.
Gillham, M. E., 1955, Ecology of the Pembrokeshire Islands: III. The effect of grazing on the vegetation, Journal of Ecology, 43, 1, 172-206.
Gillham, M. E., 1956, Plant notes, 1954-56, Skokholm Bird Observatory Annual Report, 23-24.
Gillham, M. E., 1956, Freshwater and terrestrial algae of Skokholm Island, North Western Naturalist.
Gillham, M. E., 1956, Feeding habits and seasonal movements of mute swans on two south Devon estuaries, Bird Study, 3, 3, 205-212.
Gillham, M. E., 1956, Ecology of the Pembrokeshire Islands: IV. Effects of treading and burrowing by birds and mammals, Journal of Ecology, 44, 1, 51-82.
Gillham, M. E., 1956, Ecology of the Pembrokeshire Islands: V. Manuring by the colonial seabirds and mammals, with a note on seed distribution by gulls, Journal of Ecology, 44, 2, 429-454.
Gillham, M. E., 1957, Coastal vegetation of Mull and Iona in relation to salinity and soil reaction, Journal of Ecology, 45, 3, 757-778.
Gillham, M. E., 1957, Vegetation of the Exe estuary in relation to water salinity, Journal of Ecology, 45, 3, 735-756.
Gillham, M. E., 1957, Ecology of some New Zealand Seabird Colonies, Proceedings of New Zealand Ecological Society, 5.
Gillham, M. E., 1960, Vegetation of Little Brother Island, Cook Strait, in Relation to Spray-bearing Winds, Soil Salinity, and pH., Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 88, 3, 405-24.
Gillham, M. E., 1960, I. Ground-nesting shags. II. Scrub-nesting shags. III. Tree-nesting shags. IV. Tissue injury induced by guano., Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 88, 363.
Gillham, M. E., 1960, Destruction of indigenous heath vegetation in Victorian sea-bird colonies, Australian Journal of Botany, 8, 3, 277-317.
Gillham, M. E., 1960, Vegetation of tern and gannet colonies in northern New Zealand with a comparative note on colonies in the Bass Strait, Tasmania, Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 88, 211-234.
Gillham, M. E., 1960, Plant communities of the Mokohinau Islands, Northern N.Z., Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 88, 1, 79-98.
Gillham, M. E., 1960, Vegetation of New Zealand shag colonies, Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 88, 3, 363-380.
Gillham, M. E., 1960, Goose grazing of plantain swards, Bird Study, 18, 1, 30-37.
Gillham, M. E., 1961, Modification of Sub-Antarctic flora on Macquarie Island by sea birds and sea elephants, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, 74, 1, 1-12.
Gillham, M. E.; Thompson, J. A., 1961, Old and new storm petrel rookeries in Port Phillip Bay, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, 74, 1, 37-46.
Gillham, M. E., 1961, Plants and seabirds of granite islands in south-east Victoria, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, 74, 1, 21-35.
Gillham, M. E., 1961, Alteration of the breeding habitat by sea-birds and seals in Western Australia, Journal of Ecology, 49, 2, 289-300.
Gillham, M. E., 1962, Granite islands of south-east Victoria as a seabird habitat, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, 75, 1, 45-63.
Gillham, M. E., 1963, The vegetation of local coastal Gull colonies, Transactions of Cardiff Naturalists Society, 91, 23, 33.
Gillham, M. E., 1963, Association of nesting sea-birds and vegetation types on islands off Cape Leeuwin, South-Western Australia, Western Australian Naturalist, 9, 2, 29-46.
Gillham, M. E., 1963, Breeding habitats of the White-faced Storm Petrel (Pelagodroma marina) in eastern Bass Strait, Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania, 97, 33-42.
Gillham, M. E., 1963, Coral cay vegetation, Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland, 73, 6, 79-92.
Gillham, M. E., 1963, Some interactions of plants, rabbits and sea-birds on South African islands, Journal of Ecology, 51, 2, 275-294.
Gillham, M. E., 1964, Natural History and modern Society, Venture, 4, 3, 64-68.
Gillham, M. E., 1965, Increase of Red campion on Skomer Island, Nature in Wales, 9, 3, 136-38.
Gillham, M. E., 1965, The Fisher Island field station. IV Vegetation: Additions and changes, Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania, 99, 71-80.
Gillham, M. E., 1966-68, A New Nature Reserve: Glamorganshire Canal between Tongwynglais and Whitchurch and the adjacent Long Wood, Transactions of Cardiff Naturalists Society, 94, 4-36.
Gillham, M. E., 1967, Ejection of crop pellets by small passerines, Int Bird Study Grp Bull, 2, 2.
Gillham, M. E., 1970, Seed dispersal by birds, The Flora of a Changing Britain. Botanical Society of the British Isles, Conference Report, 11, 90-98.
Gillham, M. E., 1970, Ecological notes on the vegetation of six islets near Herm, La Societe Guernesiaise.
Gillham, M. E., 1970, Shell Sand Community in the North of Herm, La Societe Guernesiaise.
Gillham, M. E., 1977, Observations on vegetation of blue-faced Booby colonies on Cosmoledo Atoll, West Indian ocean, Atoll Research Bulletin, 199.
Gillham, M. E., 1977, Vegetation of sea and shore-bird colonies on Aldabra Atoll, Atoll Research Bulletin, 200, 1-19.
Gillham, M. E., 1979, Plants of Glamorgan: precis of a paper delivered to the Welsh section of the BSBI AGM at Lampeter on 22nd July, 1978, BSBI Welsh Region Bull, 30, 5-8.
Gillham, M. E.; Smith, J.K., 1983, Industry and wildlife: compromise and coexistence, Endeavour, 7, 4, 162-172.