McCoy Camp Day 6
26 January 1959

Monday 26 January 1959
A day of sun and wind, pleasantly cool after the heatwave.
John Thomson went off early to climb Mt Wilson and John McA organised the rescue of the dinghy. She had come ashore in the wind of the previous night, keeled over and filled with water. She lay broadside on, with sizeable waves breaking into her and making bailing impossible, and it took all hands to heave her round and empty her, rocking her back and forth to miss the waves. Several of us were very wet by the time she was high and dry on the beach.
All except Stella and I went off for the day with lunch, Beth and Linette botanising their way up Mt Wilson. Stella pottered, and I did a double transect up the drinking water creek from the beach through the tea tree scrub to Melaleuca swamp. We cooked a pleasant lunch, fought out a few rushes and sedges from the keys, browsed in the next creek valley, and bathed.