
Mary Gillham worked with a huge number of people and organisations throughout her life and their contribution is not forgotten in the Mary Gillham Archive Project. Below is an incomplete list of all of the people named in her archive. Many of these people worked with, helped, informed and supported Mary during her life and career and contributed in many different ways to her achievements. Some of these names appear in her archive more than others or influenced Mary in life-defining ways. Follow the links to further information about them and how they interacted with Mary.


Pat Adams, Nigel Ajax-Lewis, Adrian Amsden, Ivan Anderon, Stella Anderson, Joan Andrews, Philip Andrews, Barbara Angus, Raphael Anyam, Richard Arnold, D. Ashhurst, Phillip Atkin, Gordon Atkins, P. Atkins, Rod Attril, Chief Aukaha, Matti Aukaha, Christopher Ayres


Herb Babington, Bill Bailey, Alison Baird, Bob Baker, V.C. Baldwin, Len Barnes, Gladys Barrett, John Barrett, Lila Barrett, Margaret Barrow, Gil Barter, Dick Barwick, Jeanne Batchelor, Garth Batten, J. Beddow, Basil Bell, Tom Bellow, Michael Benjamin, Isobel Bennett, Peter Benoit, Kathryn Benson-Evans, R.A. Berry, Clem Beynon, D Binstead, Audrey Bird, Graham Bird, Hope Black, Ian Black, Dickie Blair, Joan Blair, Phil Blanning, Derek Bolton, Richard Booth, Harold Boudier, Peter Bowen, Idris Bowen, Nan Bowen, O. Bowen, Graham Boylan, Charles Brazenor, Edna Brennan, David Brinn, Phil Bristow, Beatrix Broadfoot, Andy Brown, E. Brown, Mary Bruce, Bill Burridge, Ann Button,


David Cabot, Doug Cadwalladr, Martin Cahn, Yvonne Cairns, John Calaby, Alan Cambridge, John Cameron, Bruce Campbell, Ella Campbell, Peter Carpenter, P. Carpenter, Jim Case, Marjorie Case, Elizabeth Chadwick, David Chalmers, Jerry Chambers, T. Chapman, Harry Charles, S.G. Charles, Edward Hubert (Hugh) Chater, Arthur Chater, June Chatfield, Shirley Chavasse, Jeffrey Chavasse, John Chester, Hans Christian Peterssen (Captain), Gilian Churcher, Oisin Clancy, Mike Claridge, Derek Clayton, Bill Cleaver, Mary Cleaver, Paul Clements, Norman Clewer, Tony Colbourne, Frank Coleman, Erica Colkett, Kay Collings, Peter Conder, Ann Conolly, David Coombs, John Cooper, H.D. Cory, Danielle Cowell, Alex Coxhead, R.S. Cropper, R.J. Crossen, Stefan Csordas, Dave Curtis, Jeff Curtis, Claudette Curtis-Jenkins,


Peter Dance, Atholl Dart, Beryl Daulman, Ted Davidson, Berenice Davies, Peter Davies, David Davies, Gilbert Davies, Gwyn Davies, H.T. Davies, Ian Davies, Berenice Davis, Hassan Dawah, J. Dawes, Charles Dawson, H.J. Dawson, John Deeming, Prue Dempster, Martin Doe, Hector Downes, Louden Downing, Peter Driver, G.C. Druce, Russell Drysdale, Dave Ducket, Peter Dunn, Mary Dyer, Mike Dyer, Brian Dyer,


Ann Edington, John Edington, Claridge Edington, M.R. Edmunds, D.A. Edwards, R.W. Edwards, Ted Edwards, Gwyn Ellis, R.E. Ellis, V.G. Ellis, Ingrid Emerson, David Erasmus, Rica Erikson, Syd Erikson, John Etherington, Turner Ettlinger, Emlyn Evans, Jack Evans, Lou Evans, Russel Evans, Trevor Evans, Will Evans, B.M. Evans, Hilda Evans, John Evans,


Robert Falla, Andrew Ferguson, Peter Ferns, Marjorie Fettes, J.A. Findlay, R. Fitzgerald, Kim Frankcombe, Doug Fraser, Jack Frazier, Billy Fripe, Peter Frost, John Fulljames, Valerie Fulljames,


Arthur Gaines, Jennifer Gaines, Mary Gallagher, Ossie Gates, R.A. Gayer, Harry George, Ron Gethin, Olwen Gibbon, J.C. Gilchrist, P.R. Glading, Gordon Goodman, Matta Goodman, Jack Goodricke, Beth Gott, E. Goulden, Alec Grant, Vaughan Grantham, Ady Gravenor, Bob Gray, Martin Green, Phill Gregory, David Griffin, Olwen Griffith, J. Griffith, Colin Griffiths, David Griffiths, Leslie Griffiths, Richard Groves, Eric Guiler,


Sylvia Halanan, Alan Hall, Ken Hall, Howard Hallett, Jo Hambury, Karla Hambury, A.P. Hamilton, Mark Hamlin, Roger Hammond, G.F. Hampson, M. Hampton, D.M. Hanford, George Hanlon, Paul Harding, Peter Harris, Siné Harris, Charles Harris, Henry Harris, S.G. Harrison, Henry Harry, Ray Harvey, Madeleine Havard, Amy Heathcote, Robert Henderson, Heather Henderson, Mary Henney, Ursula Henriques, Peter Henriques, Ken Henshall, Norman Higgs, Gordon Hill, Shirley Hodge, Mike Hogan, P.H. Holland, Arthur Hooker, Glyn Hopkins, Muriel Hopkins, Paul Horseman, John Howden, Stephen Howe, Mererid Howells, Robert Hubbard, David Hufton, Rosemary Hufton (née Ayres), Mike Hughes, Patrick Humphreys, Geoffrey Hunt, Alf Husband, George Hutchinson,


Susan Ingham, D.I. Ingram,


Bill Jackson, Michael Jackson, Gladys James, Gordon James, Nanće James, A.F. James, Chris James, Frank Jameson, G.T. Jefferson, Tom Jenkins, E.A. Jenkins, Joan Jenkins, Moreton Jenkins, Roy Jenkins, Shirley Jenkins, Mark Jervis, Jose John, Eddie John, Sydney Johnson, Martin Jonathan, Liz Jones, Tom Jones, Bob Jones, Chris Jones, E.M. Jones, Gavin Jones, Isleuyn Jones, Jean Jones, John Jones, Neil Jones, Peter Jones, Stan Jones, Ted Jones, Teg Jones,


B. Kalejta, Quentin Kay, Cherry Kearton, Jeanne Keene, Reg Kelly, Andy Kendall, Rhian Kendall, Paul Kent, R. Key, J. Kilpatrick, Derek Kingham, Alf Knowles,


Tony Landsdowne, Jerry Langford, Piers Langhelt, Peter Lansdown, Phillip Law, Mike Lawton, M.A. Learner, Andrew Lees, Dr Leigh, Margaret Leishman, Peter Leonard, Alan Lewis, David Lewis, Jim Lewis, Margery Lewis, Pen Lewis, Diane Lewis, Joanne Lewis, Margaret Lewis, S. Lewis, Dell Lindgren, Eric Lindgren, D.W. Linnard, Don Llewelly, Gryfydd Llewellyn, John Llewellyn, Harry Lloyd, Joyce Lloyd, Kate Lloyd, M.J. Lloyd, Alan Lock, Jean Locke, Ronald Lockley, Gwyneth Lougher, William Loughour, Doreen Lovegrove, J Lovell, W Lovell, James Luddington, George Lush, Janet Lush, Robin Lydham, Raymond Lyle,


Mr Macphail, Hope MacPherson, W Mapleson, Ian Marks, Richard Marks, Paul Marshman, David Martin, Peter Martin, Maurice Massey, Philip Masters, Geoffrey Matthews, John McAndrew, David McClintock, Ewan McEwan, Vera McGaffin, Murray McLaggan, Prof McLean, John McNally, Jim McQueen, Keith Meldrum, Cynthia Merrett, Al Meston, Chris Mettam, Sandy Mitchell, Bill Mollison, Bruce Monroe, Steve Moon, Lucy Moore, M. Moore, Sian Moran, Dave Morgan, Linda Morgan, Pat Morgan, Arthur Morgan, D.R. Morgan, Huw Morgans, Brian Morley, J.V. Morley, Geoff Morris, Mary Morris, David Morris, Christine Mullins, Barbara Murray, Dr Myckytowicz,


Margaret Nelmes, Paul Nelmes, Wilf Nelson, Anthony Nelson-Smith, Lily Newton, A. Newton, David Noble Robins, Linda Nottage, Rob Nottage,


Nigel Odin, Alan Orange, Linette Osborne, Stella Ovenden, T.R. Owen, Mike Oxford,


Derek Packer, David Palmer, Roland Parker, Ted Parry, Will Parry, Madge Pawson, Wendy Paxton, Judith Peacey, A Pearcy, Lawrence Peddle, A.M Pell, Ivor Penberthy, Mary Percival, Mollie Percival, John Perkins, F.H. Perring, Chad Perry, Roy Perry, L. Perry, W. Pettigrew, Diana Phillips, Iris Phillips, Wilf Phillips, Allan Pickens, Piglet, A.B. Pinkard, J. Port, Mike Porter, Chris Powell, Mike Powell, R.R. Powell, Joan Preston, Ray Price, Stephen Pritchard, Kate Pryor,


Quentin Quay, Eileen Quirk,


Oliver Rackham, Peter Randerson, David Rapley, V.G. Ratcliffe, Geoff Raum, Joan Raum, Patrick Raum, Olive Rawsthorne, Iowerth Rees, Jennifer Rees, John Rendall, Jack Rhodes, Charlie Rice, Bob Richards, Pam Richards, Bill Riddle, Maureen Riddle, H.J. Riddlesdell, Mike Ridpath, Paule Ridpath, Margaret Roberts, Marion Roberts, Libby Robinson, Ruth Robson, Graham Rotheray, Andrew Rowan, Berbus Rowan, Bunty Rowan, Les Ruse, Mike Rush Hinton, Brian Rutlidge,


Morrey Salmon, Denys Sambrook, D.B. Sanday, David Saunders, Peter Scott, Christopher Scotter, Margaret Scott-Maxwell, Dominic Serventy, Bob Sharland, W.A. Sheolbred, Janice Short, Rodney Shotter, Sarjit Singhrao, Bohdan Skorobohatij, Dick Slater, Chris Small, Alan Smith, Derek Smith, Ian Smith, Kath Smith, Alison Smith, R.L. Smith, Richard Smith, General Smuts, Jonathan Spencer, Brian Staddon, Arron Starson, Muriel Statham, Paul Stevenson, O. Stewart, Brian Stiles, Janis Stone, Johnie Stone, Leslie Stone, John Storrie, Phillip Straw, Irene Stuckey, Peter Sturgess, Michael Sullivan, Paul Surtees, Bill Sutherland, Mairead Sutherland, Bob Sutton,


Jenny Tann, Ray Tann, Mike Taylor, Tete, Mary Thelwall, Dot Thomas, Doug Thomas, Gerwyn Thomas, Margaret Thomas, Nancy Thomas, Wynn Thomas, Alun Thomas, Barry Thomas, Clive Thomas, E.M. Thomas, Joan Thomas, T.H. Thomas, John Thompson, Dick Thomson, Byron Thomson, R.J. Tidswell, A.D. Tipper, Colin Titcombe, Roy Traill, Cenydd Treharne, Alison Trew, Charles Trew, Lorna Trist, Pinc Trow, Ann Truesdale, Vic Truesdale, Jan Turton, Dr Tyler,


Eleanor Vachell, J.D.R. Vernon, Paul Vining,


Arthur Wade, William Wagstaff, Ken Walls, Steve Walsh, Pat Walters, G.S. Walters, Bob Wardell, John Warham, R. Waring, Marjorie Warren, R Warren, Glyn Watkins, Kathleen Watkins, Mel Watkins, Mrs Watkins, J.A. Webb, Alec Webster, Jean Webster, Pete Wells, C.E.C. Wells, Stella Wells, Beryl Were, Winnie Weston, David White, Kay White, Jenny White, George Wickham, Mike Wiley, Paul Wiley, Andy Wilkinson, Karen Wilkinson, Geraint Williams, Janice Williams, Keri Williams, Ron Williams, Peter Williams, Roger Williams, Vickie Williams, Mike Wilson, Paul Wolfe, John Wood, G. Wood, Cliff Woodhead, Malcolm Woodland, Julian Woodman, R.G. Woods, Pat Worhan, David Worrell, Eric Worrell, Liz Wright,


Mitchell Young, Steve Young,


John Zehetmayr


Mary also spent time working with a number of environmental groups including the Cardiff Naturalists' Society, Merthyr Tydfil and District Naturalists' Society, Friends of Forest Farm and the Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales.
